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Swiss Folk
  • Schwyzerörgeli Gruppe Lasenberg and Chinderchörli

    From 19:00 hours. From 20:30 hours in turns with the local Brass Band, the Yodlers and the Folk Dance Group of Grindelwald.

  • Ländlertrio “Hittstetter Grioss Lungerä”

    From 19:00 hours. From 20:30 hours in turns with the local Brass Band, the Yodlers and the Folk Dance Group of Grindelwald.

  • Schwyzerörgeli Quartett Gemsberg

    From 19:00 hours. From 20:30 hours in turns with the local Brass Band, the Yodlers and the Folk Dance Group of Grindelwald.

  • Schwyzerörgeli Quartett “Fuderegg Schränzer” Lüönd Unteriberg

    From 19:00 hours. From 20:30 hours in turns with the local Brass Band, the Yodlers and the Folk Dance Group of Grindelwald.

  • Swiss National Holiday with Ruedi Burgener and Margrit Schlunegger

    From 16:00 hours.

  • Schwyzerörgeli Quartett Habkern

    From 19:00 hours. From 20:30 hours in turns with the local Brass Band, the Yodlers and the Folk Dance Group of Grindelwald.

  • Ländlertrio Innerschwyzergruss, Jürg Bucher and Frowin Neff

    From 19:00 hours. From 20:30 hours in turns with the local Brass Band, the Yodlers and the Folk Dance Group of Grindelwald.

  • Ländlertrio “Arva” and “Edelwyss Stärnen”

    From 19:00 hours. From 20:30 hours in turns with the local Brass Band, the Yodlers and the Folk Dance Group of Grindelwald.